Friday 16 December 2016

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Programa Edukasi Pasar Modalidad diariakan di kota Jakarta dan Surabaya. Monex berupaya para el seminario en el seminario de capacitación para el entrenamiento. Monex oleh profesional trainer. Agricultura mercado de valores Chicago: Indonesia, Surabaya, Gadel. Se unió a enero de 2013. 18 Fotos y videos. FXTM Gelar Seminario Forex Gratis Terbatas Di Surabaya - Promosi Broker Forex. Broker Forex Surabaya Jimmie MONEX 0818 398 168 Corredor Forex Surabaya Spread tan bajo como 2pip Forex, índice, XAU, petróleo crudo de baja comisión. Seminario 161 Señal 87 Plata 65 Surabaya 113 Negociación 28627. 2013 15858. Daily kos gráfico del mercado de valores: MasterForex Surabaya adalá perwakilan resmi indonesia dari corredor MFXbroker. Dan sekarang, bagian spesial yang didedikasikan untuk seminario bagian. Riesgo Advertencia Descargo de responsabilidad Perdagangan berjangka termasuk Forex, Indeks dan. Jakarta Tebet Kelapa gading fX sudirman. Surabaya Gubeng. Condiciones de venta en línea. 2013 HARRIS HOTELES. TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS. Deja un ReplyHati-hati dengan Sistem Trading berbentuk Opciones Binarias Opciones Binarias, apa UIT dan potensi bahayanya binario Opciones sebenarnya comercio adalah dengan hanya memanfaatkan NAIK atau TURUN saja, dengan Suatu Gama waktu tertentu (berbeda dengan pada de divisas umumnya), dan bisa disebut sebagai permainan rolet, Judi Pacuan Kuda, ataupun Judi Besar Kecil sebenarnya, tetapi ini Lebih moderna dan objeknya seolah-olá menggunakan Forex dan Saham, padahal tidak sebagaimana mustinya. CONTOH: Di jenis Ini binario, misalcán y un objetivo de suma de memasang bila dalam beberapa menit harga naik menjadi 100 maka anda akan memenangkannya. Dan bila harga sudah y una entrada maka tidak dapat dirubah, sehingga hanya bisa menunggu titik tersebut tersentuh atau tidak. Dengan mempertaruhkan suatu nilai uang tertentu di cuenta anda. Tetapi jika menang maka Anda Akan memperoleh hasil yang berlipat (Clasificación no Beda seperti halnya pacuan kuda ataupun judi bola sebenarnya, tetapi berbeda 8220benda8221nya) Sistem opciones binarias atau modelo de comercio binario ini mudah sangat memang (karena judi kan Harus dibuat mudah Supaya menarik sebenarnya), Dan Tidak kompleks seperti comercio forex pada umumnya yang Bukan perjudian. Biasanya opciones binarias ditawarkan ke orang awam yang tidak paham mengenai comercio atau mungkin sekedar coba-coba. Tetapi kami tidak menyarankan untuk comercio jangka panjang di modelo binario ini. Perusahaan corredor de la divisa umumnya juga ada yang Sekaligus menyediakan produk ini pula sebagai diversifikasi produk agar terlihat lengkap, ibaratnya seperti sebuah Toko supermercado Yang Yang lengkap dimana semua produk ada hay fotos disponibles Disana, Baik Baik UIT produk Yang Yang maupun Buruk. Karena pilihan akan ditentukan Sendiri oleh Konsumennya. Selain itu, tujuan perusahaan menyediakan hal ini adalah juga untuk faktor pendapatan dan meningkatkan penjualan, karen daripada tidak disediakan maka toh kompetitor lain juga menyediakannya dan banyak konsumen yang memilihnya juga. Oleoducto península Negocio binario en el surtidor peruano corredor de juguete merupakan salado saturan estrategia perusahaan meningkatkan omzet daripada hanya menyediakan 1 produk saja. Kalau, kami, pribadi, disuruh, untuk, trading, binario, maka, kami, lebih, memilih untuk, trading forex, pada umumnya (no binario), karena strateginya bisa diatur dan bukan menjurus tebak-tebakkan atau Judi. Sekarang akan kita bahas lebih dalam mengenai sisi negatifnya di Comercio binario. Bahaya nya untuk trading jenis Opciones binarias ini seperti diulas oleh majalah FORBES. Yaitu: Bahman lembaga finansial milik pemerintah Amerika Serikat pun. seperti SEC, juga memberi advertencia bila Ingin bermain di jenis ini binarios, karena sebenarnya UIT merupakan pembodohan saja yang memanfaatkan keserakahan manusia (terutama orangután awam) dengan IMing-IMing cepat kaya dengan mudah dan digiring dentro bentuk perjudian: Selain UIT, bacalah juga mengenai tautan Enlace bawah ini, yang membuktikan bahwa perusahaan jenis binario (contoh: binario) itu adalah memang bentuk dari perjudio, dan ijin mereka itu juguete sebenarnya adalah RUMAH JUDI. Ini link perijinannya, disini bisa y una baca sendiri bahwa tertulisnya di perijinannya itu adalah sebagai Software de juego de apuestas. (Diambil dari web regulasi perjudiannya). Este sitio web se comercializa en el Reino Unido y la Isla de Man por Binary (IOM) Ltd. Primer piso, Casa del Milenio, Victoria Road, Douglas, IM2 4RW, Isla de Man, Islas Británicas, licenciada y regulada por (1) la Comisión de Supervisión de Juegos de Azar en la Isla de Man, Islas Británicas, la actual licencia de juego en línea emitida el 31 de agosto de 2012, La UK Gambling Commission 8211 ver licencia. Este sitio web se comercializa en el resto de la UE, para los productos de inversión de Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. Mompalao Building, Suite 2, Tower Road, Msida MSD1825, Malta, licenciado y regulado como proveedor de servicios de inversión de Categoría 3 por Malta Financial Autoridad de Servicios (licencia no IS / 70156), y para los productos de juego de Binary (Europe) Ltd. Mompalao Building, Suite 2, Tower Road, Msida MSD1825, Malta, licenciada y regulada por (1) Malta Gaming Authority en Malta, Licencia no MGA / CL2 / 118/2000, 26 de mayo de 2015 y para clientes del Reino Unido por (2) la UK Gambling Commission 8211 ver licencia. Y para los clientes irlandeses por (3) los Comisarios de Ingresos en Irlanda, licencia actual de bookmaker8217s remitida el 29 de septiembre de 2015 (licencia no 1010285). Los servicios de este sitio web no están disponibles en ciertos países, como los Estados Unidos, Costa Rica, Hong Kong o para personas menores de 18 años. (Jelas-jelas ditulis itu adalah perjudian di web aslinya yang versi bahasa inggris) TAPI celakanya, mereka itu MEMANIPULASI websitenya yang Versi indonesio redirección dengan Sistem (pengalihan web), agar kalau para visitantes dari Indonesia maka comunicado UIT akan otomatis disembunyikan oleh mereka Supaya mengecoh dan tidak ketahuan kalau UIT perjudian dan Supaya tidak diblokir Pemerintah setempat (Untuk kamuflase). Sedangkan di negara asalnya meridian tidak berani menyembunyikannya. Kami bisa mengakses webnya binario yang Versi bahasa Inggris, karena kami navegación dari Singapura (dengan ventanas kami berbahasa Inggris), jadi kami bisa melihat Versi aslinya UIT Ternyata Beda, Dan Yang Banyak DITUTUPI / DISEMBUNYIKAN jika dibanding dengan Versi bahasa Indonesianya. Ini bisa menjadi TANDA TANYA BESAR8230. Kenapa kok versi bahasa indonesia tidak ditulis terang-terangan seperti webnya yang versi bahasa Ingredientes yang menyebutkan itu memang adalah Perjudian. (Karena ada udang di balik batu, yang menyembunyikan fakta sebenarnya untuk MENGECOH) Jadi yang namanya perjudio itu dimana-mana adalá membuat orang menjadi miskin dan HARAM. Mesk de la memoria del sistema binario en el sistema binario moderno y en la memoria de los robots de la robótica, de la tetapi sebenarnya itu hanyalah suatu pancingan saja dengan sengaja awal-awal anda principal kecil itu dibuat seolah-olah mudah menang. Tetapi nanti begitu ya sudah masuk dana besar maka barulah merezca mempermainkan sistemnya dengan mengatur pergerakan, harga, orden yang macet, sistem error, dan sebagainya (trik-trik bandar), dengan tujuan agar y un kalah. Sebab kasino tidak Akan membiarkan Anda menang Terus, karena INGATLAH BAHWA Jenis Binarias UIT BANDAR KASINO yang mendapatkan Untung Pérdida dari Anda Pilihan berada di Tangan anda, Jika Anda hanya sekedar Ingin seperti bermain-principal di kasino atau divertirse saja maka opciones binarias UALT binario Comercio ini boleh anda coba (dan tetap HARAM ya). Tetapi jika Anda Ingin serius comercio Untuk penghidupan atau nantinya menjadi profesional comerciante yang de comercio bisa para vivir ataupun menjadi Kaya, maka pelajari dan terjunlah ke punto de comercio de divisas yang sebenarnya (yang no binario). Trading pada binario susah untuk membuat y un menjadi kaya (yang namanya Judi pasti menjadi miskin, dan tabu). JANGAN BERJUDI YA Kami himbau Anda Untuk mau mempelajari juga perihal Cara memilih Suatu Perusahaan pialang corredor de yang benar dan Bukan terjebak di perjudian melalui enlace ini: brokerforex / corredor-forex-terbaik-dan-kredibel / memilih-corredor-yang-benar / Publicado por Tanya masta, Bgm Menú principal Menos raímos Nombre completo del sitio web Hirose berikut ini. Hirose Financial UK Ltd. es una empresa registrada en Inglaterra amp Gales, número de registro 7423885. Hirose Financial UK Ltd. está autorizado y regulado por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera, número de registro FCA 540244 Puede buscar con nuestro número de registro FCA 82205402448221 para nuestro estado de licencia actual aquí. Con respecto a la negociación de opciones binarias, Hirose Financial UK Ltd. está licenciada y regulada por la Gambling Commission (gamblingcommission. gov. uk/), número de referencia 35485. Puede encontrar nuestro estado de licencia actual aquí. Hirose UK apoya el comercio responsable. Satu bln ini sy negociar cuenta real di Hirose tp dgn plataforma MT4 bukan BO-nya, transferencia de selain bs menggunakan yg spt legal Netteller, Skrill, kartu kredit, alambre de banco, jg menyediakan vía fasapay yg menurut masta ilegal. Bgm plataforma masta masura MT4-nya Hirose. Terima kasih sebelumnya Jangan Pak, Broker Hirose kurang bagus. Dan dia bisa pakai media2 transferencia uang yang ilegal semacam fasapay, itu sudah nggak bener loh. Fasapay itu tergolong los medios de comunicación pembayaran yang ilegal, karena dia menggunakan banco penampung de Indonesia tapi tanpa ijin OJK, ataupun BI, dan itu nggak boleh. Kalau Bapak sedang monos de kena aparat maka rekening Bapak bisa diblokir nanti repot sendiri Pak, bisa kena pasal dinero lavandería repot Malam Masih. Saya baru tahu soal opción binaria ini. Tapi seta saya baca, saya jadi kepikiran, apa bedanya opción binaria sama pendiente de orden (venta / compra límite / stop) Lalu yang disebut 8220memanfaatkan naik turun8221 itu seperti apa Mohon penjelasannya dan dicontohkan agar saya lebih paham. Terima kasih banyak. Bedanya kalau di binario itu sudah arreglar begitu dan kalau sudah dipasang nggak bisa dirubah2 harganya. Dan itu berbeda dgn pendiente de orden pada trading forex umumnya. Binario persis sama seperti di perjudian, kalau sudah pasang taruhan di meja maka nggak bisa dirubah sampai keluar hasilnya. Memang binario lebih simple seperti halnya juego. Dan kalau anda lihat di web Binary itu pun sudah jelas2 tertulis bahwa ijin mereka itu perjudial loh (coba scroll ke bawah di web maitka, kan bisa dibaca sana bahwa binario judi) baca ini juga ya. Investigar / pedir / respuestas / 071614 / whats-difference-between-binario-opciones-y-day-trading. asp Om mau tanya, ada corredor yg recomienda gk buat comerciante dg modal recehan. Terimakasih binary itu perjudian Este sitio web está comercializado en el Reino Unido y la Isla de Man por binario (Este sitio web se comercializa en el Reino Unido y la Isla de Man por binario (1) la Comisión de Supervisión de Juegos de Azar en la Isla de Man, Islas Británicas, licencia de juego en línea actual emitida El 31 de agosto de 2012, y para los clientes del Reino Unido por (2) la UK Gambling Commission 8211 ver licencia. Este sitio web se comercializa en el resto de la UE por Binary (Europe) Ltd. Edificio Mompalao, Suite 2, Tower Road, Msida MSD1825, Malta, con licencia y regulado por (1) la Autoridad de Loterías y Juegos en Malta, CL2 / 118/2000, 26 de mayo de 2010 y para clientes del Reino Unido por (2) la UK Gambling Commission 8211 ver licencia. Los servicios de este sitio web no están disponibles en los Estados Unidos, Japón o Hong Kong, ni para personas menores de 18 años. Mohon maaf. Menurut saya binario bukan judi mas. . Coba anda lebih teliti mengartikannya. Yg jelas binario itu bukan judi. Binario itu jelas2 perjudian apa anda tidak membaca tuh perkataan di binario de paling bawah sendiri bahwa itu memang JUEGO, ijinnya pun juga Kasino. JUEGOS itu bahasa inggris yang artinya PERJUDIANO Jangan menjerumuskan orang ke perjudian ya, haram coba bapak rubah bahasa nya di situs nya ganti bahasa indonesia. Nah setelah itu baca yang terliti silahkan V. Kalau ya tidak percaya itu terserah anda: v. Saya cuman ngasih tau aja 8230: v Ingat, bukan menjerumuskan. Yang penting itu bahasa originalnya dan dokumen ijin sertifikasinya dia itu memang tertulis PERJUDIANO (JUEGO) Baca ini mengenai ijin perjudiannya tuh secure. gamblingcommission. gov. uk/gccustomweb/PublicRegister/PRAccountDetails. aspxaccountNo39172 disana jelas2 tertulis itu UNTUK JUDI (Juego) itu gak bisa Bohong, dan dokumen perijinan gak bisa diplesetkan Kalau bahasa terjemahan itu bisa dimelesetkan supaya mengecoh para orang2 awam, apalagi itu bukan dari terjemahan tersumpah, melainkan dari penerjemah untuk kepentingan dia sendiri. Lihat aja tuh Google Translate Traducción al castellano de kalau menerjemahkan suatu kata2 pun juga sering nggak cocok dengan arti sebenarnya. Jangan principal perjudian, HARAM dan yang enak hanya bandarnya saja Pagi pak brokerforex. Mau tanya tuk trading opción Forex d Indonesia .. Bpk da recomend tuk perusahaan comercio yg bagus tuk pembukaan cuenta mini dan cuenta besar thx tuk información nya .. saya mahu betulkan disini ya binario opción ini untuk scalper comerciante precio acción comerciante kalau anda extreme scalper bagus Ke opción binaria. Tiempo de expiración pun ada 1 día 1 semana 1 mes. Kalau swing comerciante abierto untuk 1 semana atau 1 mes. Tidak peru kira detener la pérdida atau tomar ganancias. Kamu tahu yang precio akan naik tan kamu COMPRAR. Kalau kamu bilang opción binaria de juego. Forex pun juegos de azar sebab kamu tiada ilmu pasal análisis técnico / fundamental. Logik tidak apa yang saya katakan Kita kena cari empresa regulada. Boleh baca disini: 7.3. La remuneración total pagadera a cada Cliente cubierto de la Sociedad no podrá exceder el importe de veinte mil euros (EUR 20.000), independientemente del número de cuentas mantenidas, la moneda y el lugar de la oferta del servicio de inversión. 7.4. En el caso en que los beneficiarios de una cuenta conjunta de la Compañía estén cubiertos en su mayoría por clientes: (a) el importe máximo a pagar a todos los copropietarios de la cuenta asciende a 20.000 euros (20.000 euros) yb ) La compensación se fija en conjunto para todos los co-beneficiarios de la cuenta conjunta y se divide entre ellos, de la manera determinada en el convenio entre los co-beneficiarios y la Compañía de otro modo, a falta de tal acuerdo, se divide Igualmente entre ellos. Saya tidak mahu namakan corredor itu sebab saya bukan promotor tapi binario opción trader dan forex trader. Asistir a webinar itu boleh tapi jangan percaya apa yang corredor kamu cakap. Binario opción lagi susah berbanding forex tidak percaya boleh cuba pyschology dan gestión de riesgos penting. Terima Kasih Ya ahmadbah, saya yakin y un musulmán. Islam menghalalkan perdagangan / jual beli. Syarat jual beli, yang paling utama (desahogando penjual dan pembeli) adalah harga. Harga lah yg tentukan apakah anda untung / rugi / balik modal. Harga juga yang tentukan jika untungny seberapa besar untungnya, jk rugi seberapa banyak kerugian. Harga harus / wajib jelas angkania, tidak boleh samar / tidak jelas. Jk y un pedagang beras, ketika ada yang beli, y un harus katakan harga beras dgn jelas, apakah 1 / kg atau 2 / kg. Tidak boleh y katakan harganya / kg kira2 diatas 1. Rumusnya begini..8221SEMUA TRANSAKSI MENYANGKUT UANG, PASTI DAN PASTI TERDAPAT HARGA YG JELAS, APAKAH JUALBELI, DONASI, BAYAR PAJAK, HIBBAH, WARIS, TRADING FOREX. SEBALIKNYA APAPUN MENYANGKUT TRANSAKSI YANG TIDAK JELAS HARGANYA SUDAH PASTI JUDI..8221 Nah sekarang silahkan anda yg tentukan termasuk kategori maná opción binaria itu. Kemudian (mohon maaf) alangkah naif / bodoh nya jk ada yg pindah dari forex ke binario atau lebih memilih binario drpd forex. Saya betul2 gak ngerti alasannya apa. Jk karena alasan keuntungan, sudah pasti lebih menguntungkan comercio de divisas. Kenapa pasti, sebab alasannya sederhana. No.1, Comercio de divisas adalah halal. Kemudian pd binario riskamprewads nya jelas lbh besar riesgo nya. Jk y un pasang 100, jk tebakan y un tepat (ke atas atau ke bawah. Tidak pakai harga), maka pagan nya (untung) antara 80-95. Jika salah tebak, maka rugi 100. Pada negocia forex, jika anda OP largo / corto 1 lote dengan SL 10 pips, atau 0,5 lote dgn SL 20 pips, TP bisa 20,30,50,100 pips, atau pasang sj ​​arrastrando. Jk harga menyentuh SL maka y un rugi 100. Tapi jika harga mencapai TP, anda boleh untung 100,150,200, bahkan 1000. Sebenarnya trading forex terlihat sulit, karena anda sendiri yg buat sulit. Toh pérdida / beneficio dalam kontrol anda. Jk pada forex cepat ruginya apalagi sampai MC, karena anda sendiri membiarkan kerugian berlanjut terus. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Singkatnya gak pakai MM. Berapapun besar balance kalau tdk pakai MM, alamat kena MC. Ketika y un OP, pertama sekali tentukan dulu sebesar besar kerugian yang y un sanggup menanggungnya (master bilang antara 2-5 dari equity). Barulah y un lote OP berapa, berapa SL, berapa TP. Mohon maaf, saya novato di forex, kalau ada yang salah mohon dibetulkan. Salam8230 rahmat wijaya dice: kalo 724 option (binario option) pendapat master gmn Estimado pak Guru. Apakah binario opción ini sama dengan webbinar ya saya pernah ditawari u ikut kursus forex dg sistema binar (sbnrnya kurang bgitu paham) dg biaya yg cukup mahal mnurt sya (1000). Sistem yg di pakai, menggunakan, scalping, dan, tan, parada, pérdida. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Beda Pak, webbinar itu artinya seminario de dalam web. Dan mengenai seminar2 begitu hati2 Paquistán, banyak bullshitnya menurut kami lo. Apalagi yang bayarnya mahal2. Seminario itu para vivir dan bukan comercio para la vida ya, Hati2 terkecohFind grandes ofertas en eBay para rollos razor rollos razor strop. Compra con confianza. Parece que nadie podría soportar tirar una navaja de Rolls. Ésa debe ser la razón por la que hay tantos de estos británicos hizo navajas de seguridad todavía había 25 a la venta en la subasta de eBay la última vez que estas maquinillas de afeitar a veces se describe como hecho por el Rolls-Royce No es así, pero el nombre fue elegido sin duda Evocan la imagen de Rolls de lujo y calidad. La marca Rolls El Whetter se registró en los EE. UU. en 1950 el primer uso fue de 1916. La patente de Estados Unidos para el método de la hoja al mango fue presentada en 1925 y publicó en 1930. El nombre de Rolls Razor 1927 Ltd. fue utilizado en la publicidad . La maquinilla de afeitar todavía era fabricada y vendida en los años 50. Varios modelos han hecho. Pre-1930 y los modelos chapados en oro parecen ser las maquinillas de afeitar de más edad no tienen un patrón de clave griega en el caso. El Níquel plateado No. 2 es el más común. Las maquinillas de afeitar tienen un número de serie en el lado de la caja de metal o en el extremo / lado de la manija de funcionamiento del mecanismo de arrastre. Si tiene una clave que relaciona este número con la fecha de fabricación, por favor, con nosotros. Las fechas de las patentes no ayudan mucho. Trece patentes se emitieron entre 1917 y 1950 y ocho patentes de EE. UU. se emitieron en 1918-1951. El primer modelo data de 1916 y no tiene un diseño en la caja de metal o pulsadores. El modelo de plata de la llanura del modelo representó en el extremo izquierdo tiene número de serie 0001016. Sr. Vincent, que pidió la primera patente de Rolls en 1916, debe conseguir crédito como el creador de la maquinilla de afeitar de Rolls. Los últimos modelos de tres modelos estándar y populares datan de 1922 y tienen varios diseños en la caja de metal como se ilustra y vinieron en casos de leatherette. Estos modelos son más pequeños que los modelos posteriores: aproximadamente 2-1 / 2 x 5-5 / 8 pulgadas. La dirección en la primera caja es, 1 Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, LONDRES, S. W.1. Los últimos Modelos Imperiales 1 Plata, 2 Níquel, 3 Acero Inoxidable y Oro tienen un diseño clásico griego de 3 filas y con The Whetter cerca del final del caso. Estos casos miden 2-3 / 4 x 6 La dirección de fábrica era 255 Cricklewood Broadway, Londres, N. W. 2, salas de exposición situadas en 197a, Regent St. Londres, W.1. Un EE. UU. fue Lee Schiffer, East 44th St. Nueva York. En 1937, el distribuidor estadounidense era Rolls Razor, Inc. 305 East 45th St. Nueva York. El modelo Viscount se muestra en la foto en la parte superior de la página. Fue fabricado después de la 2 ª Guerra Mundial y fue vendido en los EE. UU. por Rolls Razor, Inc. EE. UU. Avenida 338-342 Madison, Nueva 17, Nueva York El diseño de la caja vizconde tiene una sola llave griega Las esquinas del caso son más redondeadas sobre un 5/8 De pulgada que los Rollos anteriores. Las dimensiones del caso son 2-7 / 8 x 6-1 / 4 pulgadas. Ambos modelos, Imperial y Viscount, tenían una versión de caja de aluminio. En 1951 Rolls también estaba anunciando la máquina de afeitar VICEROY Electric Dry o, según el anuncio, si no tiene electricidad, pida la máquina de afeitar seca mecánica VICEROY. Presione la palanca y aférela. La versión fue operada apretando repetidamente una palanca en el mango. La maquinilla de afeitar de Rolls era bastante acertada que tenía un británico similar El Darwin, hecho por Darwins Ltd. o Darwin, Ltd. ambas escrituras se utilizaron, Fitzwilliam trabaja, Sheffield, Inglaterra. Las patentes de EE. UU. fueron en 1933 y se publicó en 1935. Una patente británica se emitió en 1934. El caso es más largo y más estrecho que el Rolls. Los modelos de Darwin incluyen Universal y De Luxe. De Luxe bañado en oro conjuntos de maquinilla de afeitar - ¿Qué es mis máquinas de afeitar Rolls son bastante comunes. Cualquier centro comercial de antigüedades grandes que hemos visto algunos que fueron increíblemente caro. Para un coleccionista, las navajas de posguerra de los años 1940 y 50 en estado nuevo o casi nuevo con el caso, las instrucciones, el resguardo de inspección, etc. solo valen la pena lo que vendió para nuevo en la venta al por menor. Antes de la guerra las navajas de los años 1930 podían traer una piedra roto o agrietado bastante común, un corte común común o muy poco común, ya que el usuario pronto lo dejó como un mal trabajo y poner la navaja en un cajón todo reducir el valor a casi cero . Lo más a menudo encontrado es el modelo imperial No. 2 arriba, que vino en cajas de cartón de varios colores y vendido originalmente para 10 en el y alrededor de 1 en Inglaterra. La caja rojo-anaranjada es probablemente la más vieja, circa 1930s las cajas azules o verdes son más nuevas. Maquinillas de afeitar, y los más caros conjuntos de maquinilla de afeitar oro y plata se encuentran ya que había menos de ellos se venden. Cualquier maquinilla de afeitar de Rolls sin un diseño clásico griego es una maquinilla de afeitar temprana más rara. En primos, los sistemas no utilizados del oro-o plateado-plateados podrían valer dos veces lo que vendieron para en la venta al por menor. Por alguna razón, Rolls completos de aluminio de menta han vendido entre 30 y 50, probablemente porque son muy atractivos. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier precio de venta es lo que un comprador y el vendedor acuerdan, y uno o ambos pueden estar desinformados. Copyright 1999, 2010 Robert K. Waits correo electrónico: Bladeguard at gmail Esta página web fue originalmente en safetyrazors. net, ahora un How Old is My Rolls Razor. La mayoría de las maquinillas de afeitar tienen un número de serie en el lado de la caja metálica o en el extremo del mango de operación del mecanismo de arrastre. ¿Qué edad tiene mi. La mayoría de las maquinillas de afeitar tienen un número de serie en el lado de la caja metálica o en el extremo / lado del mango de operación del mecanismo de arrastre. Encontrar grandes ofertas en eBay para los rodillos de afeitar el viajero. Compra con confianza. Parece que nadie podría soportar tirar una navaja de Rolls. Eso debe ser por qué hay tantos de estos británicos hizo navajas de seguridad todavía alrededor. Había 25 para la venta en la subasta de eBay la última vez que comprobamos. Estas maquinillas de afeitar se describen a veces como hecho por la compañía de Rolls-Royce. No es así, pero el nombre fue sin duda elegido para evocar la imagen Rolls de lujo y calidad. La marca Rolls The Whetter se registró en los EE. UU. en 1950 el primer uso reclamado fue 1922. La patente de EE. UU. para el método de fijación de la hoja a la manija se presentó en 1925 y se publicó en 1930. Se utilizó el nombre Rolls Razor 1927 Ltd. en publicidad. La maquinilla de afeitar todavía era fabricada y vendida en los años 50. Se han realizado varios modelos. Pre-1930 y los modelos chapados en oro parecen ser los más raros. Las maquinillas de afeitar más viejas no tienen un patrón griego dominante en el caso. El Níquel plateado No. 2 es el más común. Las maquinillas de afeitar tienen un número de serie en el lado de la caja metálica o en el extremo del mango de operación del mecanismo de arrastre. Si alguien tiene una clave que relaciona este número con la fecha de fabricación, por favor, comparta con nosotros. Las fechas de las patentes no ayudan mucho. Las patentes británicas se publicaron en 1925-1927 y una patente estadounidense se publicó en 1930. modelos más antiguos tienen una caja de metal de guijarros. El modelo de plata plateado a la izquierda tiene el número de serie G110870 y es más pequeño que los modelos posteriores: alrededor de 2-1 / 2 x 5-5 / 8 pulgadas. Llegó en una leatherette de grano de pebble rojo oscuro probablemente sobre caja de madera con un cierre de guante de presión. La dirección en la hoja de instrucciones es Rolls Razor Limited, 1 Charing Cross, LONDRES, S. W.1. El diseño del caso evolucionó a un patrón de líneas en zig-zag paralelas. Las máquinas de afeitar posteriores tienen un diseño clásico griego de 3 filas y con la marca registrada The Whetter cerca del final del caso. Estos casos miden 2-3 / 4 x 6 pulgadas. La dirección de fábrica era 255 Cricklewood Broadway, Londres, N. W. 2, con las salas de exposición situadas en 197a, Regent St. Londres, W.1. Un importador estadounidense fue Lee Schiffer, East 44th St. Nueva York. En 1937, el distribuidor estadounidense era Rolls Razor, Inc. 305 East 45th St. Nueva York. El VISCOUNT modelo ver la foto en la parte superior de la página tiene un caso de aluminio de peso más ligero. Fue fabricado después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y fue vendido en los Estados Unidos por Rolls Razor, Inc. EE. UU. 338-342 Madison Avenue, Nueva York 17, N. Y. El diseño del caso Viscount tiene una sola fila griega clave. Las esquinas de la caja son más redondeadas alrededor de un radio de 5/8-inch que Rolls anteriores. Las dimensiones del caso son 2-7 / 8 x 6-1 / 4 pulgadas. En 1951 Rolls también estaba anunciando la máquina de afeitar VICEROY Electric Dry, o, según el anuncio, si no tiene electricidad, pida la máquina de afeitar mecánica no eléctrica de VICEROY, presione la palanca y aférela. La versión mecánica fue accionada presionando repetidamente una palanca sobre el mango. La maquinilla de afeitar de Rolls era bastante acertada bastante que tenía un competidor británico similar, el Darwin, hecho por Darwins Ltd. o Darwin, Ltd. ambas escrituras de ortografía fueron utilizadas, Fitzwilliam Works, Sheffield, Inglaterra. Las patentes de EE. UU. se presentaron en 1933 y se publicaron en 1935. Una patente británica se emitió en 1934. El caso de Darwin es más largo y más estrecho que el Rolls. Los modelos de Darwin incluyen Universal y De Luxe. De Luxe chapado en oro conjuntos de afeitar - 1937 ¿Qué es mi Rolls Worth. Las maquinillas de afeitar son bastante comunes. Cualquier gran centro comercial antiguo tendrá varios que hemos visto algunos que eran asombrosamente caro. Para un coleccionista, las navajas de posguerra de los años 1940 y 50 en estado nuevo o casi nuevo con el caso, las instrucciones, el boleto de inspección, etc. sólo valen la pena lo que vendieron por nuevos en el comercio minorista. Las maquinillas de afeitar de los años 30 de la preguerra podían traer más. Un hueso roto o agrietado bastante común, un corte cortado común o muy desgastado, menos común, ya que el usuario pronto lo abandonó como un mal trabajo y puso la navaja en un cajón todo reduce el valor a casi cero. La mayoría de las veces se encuentra el Imperial No. 2 Modelo arriba, que entró en cajas de cartón con bisagras de varios colores y se vendió originalmente para 10 en los EE. UU. y alrededor de 1 en Inglaterra. La caja rojo-anaranjada es probablemente la más vieja, circa 1930s las cajas azules o verdes son más nuevas. Las maquinillas de afeitar pre-1930, y los más costosos conjuntos de afeitar plateados en oro y plata son más difíciles de encontrar, ya que había menos de ellos vendidos. Cualquier maquinilla de afeitar de Rolls sin un diseño clásico griego es una maquinilla de afeitar temprana más rara. En condiciones privilegiadas, no utilizadas, los juegos de oro o plateado podrían valer el doble de lo que vendían en el comercio minorista. Por alguna razón, los Rollos Viscounts de aluminio de menta han vendido entre 30 y 50, probablemente porque están muy atractivamente revestidos. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier precio de venta es lo que un comprador y el vendedor acuerdan, y uno o ambos pueden estar desinformados. Haga clic a continuación para ver las instrucciones oficiales de Rolls Razor, alrededor de 1937. de la Navaja Rolls ver un extracto de la hoja de instrucciones Rolls. O, haga clic aquí para descargar una versión de Adobe Acrobat PDF. Haga clic izquierdo para iniciar Acrobat si tiene el plug-in y vea el archivo ahora, o haga clic derecho para guardar el archivo guardar enlace. O guardar destino. Para su posterior visualización. Para el uso de la máquina de afeitar Rolls - Parte 1. para usar la máquina de afeitar Rolls - Parte 2. O, haga clic aquí para descargar una versión de Adobe Acrobat PDF ambos archivos combinados. Haga clic izquierdo para iniciar Acrobat si tiene el plug-in y vea el archivo ahora, o haga clic derecho para guardar el archivo guardar enlace. O guardar destino. Para su posterior visualización. El Rolls Razor sigue vivo. Recientemente, a través de este sitio hemos entrado en contacto con el Sr. Francis X. Donofrio, Presidente de Rolls Razor Ltd. Esta empresa, fundada en 1980, es el sucesor de Rolls Razor Inc., que se declaró en quiebra en 1963. El Sr. Donofrio tiene nuevos Maquinillas de afeitar, repuestos y suministros. Él también puede servir a sus rollos enfermos. Nueva Rolls Razors se venden a través de Farmacias Caswell Massey, la farmacia en el Waldorf-Astoria en la ciudad de Nueva York y la farmacia en Newport, Rhode Island. Puede ponerse en contacto con el Sr. Donofrio en rollsrazor inficad. Vea más información sobre la disponibilidad continua del Rolls Razor en el sitio de Internet de Razors del Museo de Seguridad. Ilustración de 1937 Catálogo Copyright 1999-2001 por Robert K. Waits. Rolls Razor Limited fue una empresa británica conocida por su fabricación de una sofisticada máquina de afeitar de seguridad y una lavadora de dos tina asequible. El período de evaluación de cada persona para el premio de punto de penalización de conductor es diferente. ICBC evalúa el número de puntos de penalización de conductor que recibe un tráfico. Primas de punto y primas de riesgo del conductor Punto de penalización del conductor Punto de penalidad Primas de conductor y prima de riesgo del conductor Folleto PI33. Este script explica los puntos de penalización de los conductores y cómo se relacionan prima DPP, ICBC, reducir factura DPP, período de evaluación, la disputa de un billete, la prima de riesgo del conductor. Conductor Penalty Point Premium. Los puntos de penalidad del conductor se recogen en su expediente de conducción a través de delitos de tráfico. Cada infracción tiene un número diferente de puntos. ICBC puntos de los conductores de la pena es un muy A pesar de que la mayoría de la gente nunca le gusta estar en el extremo receptor de un boleto o un punto de punto de penalidad del conductor, ICBC tiene un gran. Y da información práctica sobre muchas áreas del derecho en Columbia Británica. ICBC. ¿Cuáles son los puntos de penalización del conductor? El punto de penalidad del conductor prima DPP. Aprenda a pagar o disputar un boleto. Y averigüe más acerca de las penas, incluyendo puntos, prohibiciones, contenciones, suspensiones y más. Los puntos de penalización del conductor se acumulan durante un año de conducción. El período de evaluación de cada persona para el premio de punto de penalización de conductor es diferente. ICBC evalúa el número de puntos de penalización de conductor que recibe durante cada período de evaluación de 12 meses. Si tiene más de tres puntos de penalización de conductor durante este período, se le pedirá que pague las primas de punto de penalización de conductor. Estas primas se suman a su seguro y el costo de los boletos que reciba. Puntos de penalización del conductor permanecen en su registro durante cinco años. Sin embargo, su historial de manejo dura para siempre. 11 puntos de penalización del conductor le costará al menos 1000 y 34 puntos de penalización del conductor le costará más de 10.000. La falta de pago de su prima Driver Point Penalty tiene consecuencias graves. No sólo se cobrará 19,5 intereses anuales, sino que también se suspenderá su seguro. Tampoco se le permitirá renovar su licencia de conducir, reemplazar una licencia perdida o tomar cualquier examen de ICBC. La mejor manera de evitar pagar las primas de riesgo del conductor es contratar a un experimentado abogado de conducción en Columbia Británica tan pronto como reciba un boleto de tráfico o de vehículos automotores. CONTACTO 604-214-8100. Un boleto sin pagar puede impedir que continúe conduciendo. Vea las entradas y su derecho a conducir. BC Driving Lawyers Las primas de puntos de penalización para conductores y las primas de riesgo de conductor pagan cualquier deuda que usted deba a ICBC oa la prima del punto de penalización del conductor. La semana pasada escribimos sobre los puntos de ICBC Driver Penalty. Pero ¿conseguir puntos de penalización y la prima de pago afectan a mis primas de seguro anuales. Verso do Aplicativo: V9.0.2011.263 N de mdias: 1 CD ATUALIZADO: O Avast. Seguridad en Internet o antivirus volvió para quem el miedo de navegar por internet y realizar transaes en línea. Un servidor de firewall capaz de proteger sus datos contra ataques de cibercriminosos, barrando cualquier tipo de transmiso remota no autorizada en su mquina. Mas no pense que necessrio ser um expert en informtica para configurar el aplicativo: o utilitrio j vem prontinho para el uso, sin necesidad de quebrar una cabina con los menús complexos o personalizaes complicadas. O programa tambm armazena datos importantes que pueden ser de grande valia para Usuarios que tienen conexion de red, los logs de comunicaes bloqueadas y en el mismo visualizar como reglas-padres de proteo para cada uno de los softwares instalados no su computadora. Una nueva interfaz de seguridad de Internet sigue el estilo minimalista adotado pelo Sistema operativo Windows 8: diseño de um bien limpio, sofisticado y agradable. El objeto aún no se ha utilizado, pero lo que se dice es más bien organizado y funciona correctamente. BithShare Subido MukUpload BithShare Subido FreakShare. 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Jadi biar orang awam tetep bisa menginstall impresora ini sendiri tanpa perlu bantuan teknisi karena di manual pemasangan juga di sertakan gambar. Kesan pertama prtinter ini sangat compacto, tidak makan tempat karena bentuk nya simple jadi pada saat tidak di gunakan bandeja en poner dan poner poner kertas bisa di lipat. Pada saat penginstallan controlador juga sangat mudah ikuti saja langkah-langkah yang ada manual penginstallan software, semua langsung berjalan lancar. Sewaktu di coba untuk mencetak documento yang saya perlukan. Saya coba beberapa modo yang ada. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Juga dari segie kecepatan, mungkin karena saya biasa mencetak di rumah dengan impresora inkjet maka kecepatan berbanding jauh. Tetapi memang untuk kecepatan spooling tergantung dari kemampuan komputer. Untuk, mencetak, foto, ukuran, resolusi, besar, tidak, ada, masalah, hasil, juga, tajam, walaupun, grayscale. Ini di karenakan resolusi salida impresora resolución cukup besar sehingga hasilnya bisa maximal walaupun saya menggunakan econo mode. Jadi kesimpulan saya pribadi selaku pemakai dan juga sebagai IT dan supervisor di Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Impresión digital SUBUR, impresora ini sangat valorable, maksudnya harga dan kamampuan sangat pas sesuai dengan harapan saya. Revisión de Apakah ini membantu. Impresora awet, hemat, cepat, dan praktis Kantor lama y kantor baru saya menggunakan produk ini. Ngeprint-nya cepat dan hasil imprimir-nya juga sangat bagus. Ganti tonernya gampang. Yang menjadi kelebihan paletizando mencolok. Ngeprint-nya cepat. Sangat membantu, terutama, bagi, orang, yang, suka, terburu-buru, seperti, saya. Printernya juga ringan dan mudah dibawa-bawa dari saturan kantor ke kantor lain. Kemarin di kantor baru beli dan instalar impresora ini. Seharusnya bagian IT yang pasang, karena ngga ada, maka saya, coba pasang, sendiri, karena memang, sudah, harus, segera, dipakai, ngeprint. Pasang kabel dan instalar-nya ternyata gampang, begitu kabel dicolok, impresora dinámica dinyalakan, langsung muncul deh página yang memandu instalasinya. Setelah es un klik-klik mengikuti petunjuk instalado, sebentar aja sudah selesai dan bisa dipakai. Saya terpesona. Teknologi yang bagus sekali dan praktis. Mejor impresora de nivel de entrada Láser monocromo Impresora de memoria de Saya impresora de impresora impresora LaserJet L1010 series yang sudah saya pakai selama 10 tahun. Impresora lama saya masih berfungsi dengue baik walau mekaniknya agak sedikit kendur. Dengan pengalaman tersebut saya kembali membeli LaserJet Pro P1102 yang merupakan pengganti seri L1010 yang sudah interrumpido. Hasilnya sama memuaskannya dengan impresora sebelumnya. Hasilnya cetakan baik, proses fiable. Salah satu mejora dari versi lama adalah tombol poder yang sekarang diletakkan de depan sehingga memudahkan pengguna. Sangat saya rekomendasikan untuk yang membutuhkan impresora láser mono penggunaan rumahan atau SME dengan frekwensi penggunaan impresora sedang. Ordenador portátil de la computadora de la orden de la impresora de la impresora de HP LaserJet Pro P1102 CE651A, cukup puas dengan Bhinneka. Barang cepat sampai dan el empaquetado nya rapi sehingga barang tidak rusak. Saya baru kali ini pesan brg elektronik dan ga nyesel, awalnya sempat ragu utk pesan barang elektro via OL tpi la próxima vez saya tidak ragu lagi dgn Bhinneka. TOP BGET..PUAS Impresora dengan harga Mini, kualitas Maxi nyoret2 sedikit nih pengalaman pertama y transaksi di Bhinneka Dan. Impresora y impresora de la impresora HP Laserjet P1102 ini. Dari pertama saya menggunakan impresora en el interior de la sala de estar de la oficina de impresión de la impresora de la impresora de tapa seri yang terdahulu. Impresora de inyección de tinta de diáconos. Desainnya juga menarik, sesuai dengan espacio meja kerja saya dirumah yang tidak terlalu besar. Karena keperluan saya hanya utk mencetak urusan pekerjaan kantor saya yang tidak mengharuskan menggunakan color de la impresora, dan untuk teman2 lain yang hanya membutuhkan impresora dengan warna monocromo. HP Laserjet P1102 ini bisa dimasukan ke dalam salah satu pilihan utk di compara el producto láser laser merk lain. Dan dari pengalaman saya del diente de tempestad del saya y del lama del lah del sampai de la lámpara de la impresora de la impresora de la impresora de la impresora de la impresora de la impresora de la impresora de HP Laserjet P1102 ini. Untuk Bhinneka es una de las mejores empresas que visitan el mundo. Pelayanan kelas wahid .. Sekian Reseña dari saya semoga bermanfaat .. Awet, murah bermanfaat Sangat bermanfaat ketika digunakan untuk bekerja dan imprimir lumayan banyak berkas, sangat cepat dalam pengoperasian serta harga murah meriah. Sangat bahagia mempunyai en hehehe Ayooo dibeliiii HP LaserJet Pro P1102 Revisión Personal Saya kira kita semua tahu bahwa. La impresora laser de la impresora, impresora jenis laser lebih tiempo efisien dibandingkan tipe deskjet. Artinya jika kita sering mencetak laporan tidak berwarna dalam jumlah yang lumayan banya setiap hari, maka Impresora láser adalah rekomendasinya. Jikita kita memorias de escritorio, makita kita lebih sering mengganti tinta kita. La impresora de láser y la impresora de papel de escritorio. Kenapa memilih HP. Saya melihat produk in a cukup di tunjang kebutuhan terhadap Drivernya seri aplikasi pendukung di Sitio Resmi HP. Juga produk ini banyak kita temui di pasaran, sehingg untuk membeli sparepart pendukung tidak terlalu susah. Masalah harga, cukup bersaing. 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Lebih efisien harga terjangkau El producto está disponible en el mercado de la importación y exportación de productos lácteos. Setelah saya install ke laptop langsung imprimir enviar a un amigo 60 lembar lembar jawaban maklum kerjaan saya maklum kerjaan saya memang begini. Sampai saat ini menurut saya Producto HP LaserJet P1102 ini bagus dengan keunggulannya: 1. Suara tidak terlalu bising 2. Harga terjangkau Dibawah satu juta rupiah 3. Kualitas hasil imprimir sampai saat ini bagus 4. Tidak repot seperti membeli impresora dengan tinta repot dengan isi ulang ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HP LaserJet Pro P1102 CE651A, bagus Banget I Poseer este producto Sebelum menggunakan produk ini láser láser de HP JetAction Jet de láser Jet de tinta Jet de tinta Jet de láser Jet de tinta Jet de láser Jet de láser Jet de láser Sering di refil, karena mau beli y tambor de gak ada di pasaran. 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Our Jamey Eisenberg helps owners sort through the matchups in his latest Start Em and Sit Em. Dave Richard chat replay 9/27 What lineup dilemmas do you have going into the weekend. Our Dave Richard spends part of his Friday afternoon answering your Fantasy questions, kicking off at 2 p. m. ET. Team unit breakdown for Week 5 Need a team unit to put you over the top this week. Chris Bennett tells you who s trending up and down for Week 5. Week 5 Start Em and Sit Em Put the best team together you can by reading Chris Morgan s Week 5 edition of Start Em and Sit Em. Week 4 Fantasy Fact Sheet Week 4 brings us bye weeks, a game in London and two great prime time matchups. Our Nathan Zegura runs through all of the numbers for every game to give you the winning edge. America s preeminent high-altitude mountaineer dissects the decisions made during 1996 the deadliest season in Everest s history. Adapted from No Shortcuts to the Top, by Ed Viesturs with David Roberts published in October 2006 by Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc. This article was originally published in the September 2006 edition of National Geographic Adventure. That spring there were more climbers on the south side of Mount Everest than ever before. There was a Taiwanese team of 13 a South African team of 21 a nine-man assemblage of British, Danish, and Finnish climbers an American team of six and a maverick Swede named Gran Kropp, who hoped to make history by bicycling to and from Everest all the way from Sweden and climbing the mountain solo. Rounding out the crowd was our 12-person IMAX expedition and two large teams of guided clients led by my good friends and erstwhile Himalaya climbing partners Scott Fischer and Rob Hall. Scott s Mountain Madness team numbered 23 Rob s Adventure Consultants entourage, 25. It was great to hang out with Scott and Rob again. I had fond memories of guiding Everest with Rob in 94 and 95 and of our climbs together on Cho Oyu, Lhotse, Makalu, and Gasherbrum II. And Scott and I had forged a lasting bond during our shared epic on K2 in 1992 the closest I ve ever come to getting killed in the mountains. It was as though all my best mountaineering buddies had gathered for a reunion. At the same time, all of us who were working on filmmaker David Breashears s IMAX team were seriously concerned about the mob of Everest aspirants that had gathered at Base Camp. Aesthetically it posed a problem for the making of our film we didn t want viewers to see footage of dozens of climbers straggling along in the background and wonder, Who the hell are those folks. But it also posed a real safety dilemma. The most exposed and dangerous part of the whole South Col route comes up high, on the final ridge, at tricky spots such as the Hillary Step, only 250 feet 76 meters below the summit. Too many climbers strung out along that ridge can create a bottleneck, with the slowest moving clients dictating the pace for everybody else. Rob had fixed May 10 in his mind as the day to go to the summit. That date had been lucky for him in the past. There s a window each spring, a stretch of calm, mostly clear days that occurs as the annual monsoon, moving up from India, dislodges the air ahead of it and pushes the jet stream away from Everest. Some years that window comes in early May, other years not until late May. In Rob s experience May 10 was right around the middle of that window. But in retrospect, maybe he fixed his sights a little too rigidly on an arbitrary calendar date. Rob and Scott were friends, but they were also rivals. So once Rob decided on May 10, Scott opted for the same date. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to either of them, the Taiwanese team chose to tag along too. This meant that on May 10, there would be a massive throng 40 or more climbers going for the summit from the South Col. During one meeting of the team leaders at Base Camp, it was agreed that our IMAX team would try to get out a single day ahead of the mob. If all went well, we d go to the summit on May 9 that day we d have the upper mountain to ourselves, which would be ideal for David s filming. By the evening of May 7, we were ensconced in Camp III on the Lhotse Face, at 24,000 feet 7,315 meters. The plan was to go up to Camp IV on the South Col the next day, then to the summit on May 9. The horde of other climbers mainly Scott s and Rob s teams would follow us only a day later, so we had no wriggle room in our schedule. While we were at Camp III, they were digging in at Camp II, in the Western Cwm, only 2,800 feet 853 meters below us. That evening, we were very excited. A year of planning and hard work would be coming to fruition in the next two days. Yet during the previous week I d been keeping a close eye on the weather. Every afternoon the clouds would roll in up high. And it was far too windy along the summit ridge. That magical window of calm, clear days wasn t yet upon us. On May 8, as we roused ourselves at Camp III, it just didn t feel right to me. I discussed it with David and assistant filmmaker Robert Schauer himself a great climber. All three of us were of the same mind. The conditions were OK, but not great. If we were going not only to make the summit but also to get good footage with an unwieldy IMAX camera, we needed the best possible weather we could get. We d have only one shot. David and I agreed: We had plenty of gear and food cached back at Camp II. There were still at least two weeks, maybe three, before the monsoon would roll in. We d be idiots to force it and go now, in unsettled weather. The decision was unanimous. We d go back down to Camp II and wait there. So on May 8, instead of pushing up to the South Col, we descended the fixed ropes. Before long we ran into Rob s and Scott s teams heading up. Both trip leaders asked me, What are you guys doing. I answered, Going down. It just doesn t feel right. Of course, their surprised reactions made us start to question ourselves. Were we missing our one good shot for the top. Yet I d seen summit fever before. If eight climbers head up, they pull ten more with them. The mood is So-and-so s going today. Well, we should be going too. But on Everest you ve got to make your own decisions. There on the Lhotse Face, as we crossed paths on the fixed ropes, I shook hands with Rob and Scott, gave them each a big hug, and said something like Have a great trip. Cuidate. After hugging me back, Rob said, I ll see you on the bottom, mate. I answered, I ll buy you a beer when we both get down. The next morning, May 10, we knew that Rob s and Scott s teams would have set out from the South Col around midnight to go to the summit. That day dawned perfect, so there was no reason for them not to go. We had a telescope in camp with us to monitor the climbers progress. Though we weren t in direct radio contact with the teams up high, we could talk to my wife, Paula, who was serving as our Base Camp manager, and get their reports secondhand. Around 2 p. m. the standard turnaround time on summit day on Everest we could make out climbers scattered along the high ridge through the telescope they appeared just as little specks of red and yellow, lined up, waiting their turns to climb the Hillary Step. It was alarming how much of the time those specks were standing still, not moving. The traffic jam had indeed started to work its mischief. A few folks had reached the summit by then, but the vast majority was still heading up. Staring through the telescope, I muttered aloud, as if those anonymous specks could hear me, Guys, you left at midnight. It s two o clock. It s going to be three or four before you get to the summit. Then, as I watched the all but immobile procession, my mood darkened. Dudes, what are you doing. Wake up. Guys, turn around, turn around, I urged. Then the big storm rolled in. The summit disappeared, the clouds lowered, swallowing up more and more of the upper mountain until finally our visibility was cut off even below the South Col. All the while, things were falling apart up high. Radio batteries started to die. There was little word as to just what was going on. At Camp II we just sat in our tents, waiting and waiting, all of us growing more somber by the minute. It wasn t until 10 p. m. that we got any news. Paula radioed up to us and said, Only half the people who left the South Col this morning have made it back. We cursed out loud. I tried to imagine the nightmare that must be unfolding up there. It s windy, it s dark, it s freezing cold, and we knew that everybody must be out of bottled oxygen by now. At Camp II, Rob s team had set up a command station with a radio in a tent. Veikka Gustafsson, the Finnish climber who d been my partner on Makalu the year before, was camped near us. Now he moved into Rob s tent, to sleep beside his radio. We lay in our own tents, with our little handheld radios on, waiting for further news, but none of us slept a wink that night. We got up and made coffee around three or four in the morning, still hoping for the best. And then, around 5 a. m. we heard the first transmission from up high. It was from Rob. By now we d all crowded into the radio tent with Veikka, so we could hear the play-by-play. And what Rob said was both deeply troubling and utterly puzzling. In a tired, weak voice, he said, I m all f---ed up. I m on the South Summit. I sat out all night. Doug is gone. Doug Hansen was a postal worker from Renton, Washington, whom Rob and I had guided the year before on Everest. We both had taken an immediate liking to him. So when Doug had needed to turn around at the South Summit in 1995, Rob s disappointment had been as keen as his client s. Doug had pushed himself so close to the limit that it was all I could do to get him down to the South Col, shouting at him with my laryngitic voice to keep him moving. But after that expedition, Rob had offered Doug a big discount on the client fee if he came back in 96 and had all but guaranteed him the summit on his second try. We later pieced things together from broadcasts Rob had made to his Base Camp manager, Helen Wilton. On May 10 Rob had gone up the mountain near the tail end of his own Adventure Consultants team. He reached the summit himself well after 3 p. m. where he waited for Doug, who was once again giving it all he had and leaving no reserves of energy for the descent. As Doug came into sight, Rob descended to him, then helped him the last bit of the way to the top. But it was not until 4 p. m. that the exhausted Doug topped out. That was at least two hours beyond the turnaround time Rob had otherwise so firmly insisted on. His passion to get Doug to the top, sadly, may have clouded his usually impeccable judgment. Rob had broadcast to Base Camp from the summit to report his and Doug s success. Then, only half an hour later, he had come on the radio again to say that the two were in trouble and needed oxygen. Mike Groom, an Adventure Consultants guide, overheard Rob s broadcast from lower on the ridge as he shepherded another fast-failing client down toward the South Col. Mike knew that there were two full oxygen bottles cached on the South Summit. But he was having transmission problems of his own, and it took a while before he could get through to Rob with that news. Meanwhile Doug Hansen had collapsed at the top of the Hillary Step. Unable to lower his client down the 40-foot 12-meter cliff, Rob stayed with him, apparently willing to risk an overnight bivouac well above 28,000 feet 8,534 meters a feat very few climbers have ever pulled off, even in good weather. Guy Cotter, who had been our fellow guide on the South Col route the year before, was leading an expedition on nearby 23,494-foot 7,161-meter Pumori. At Base Camp, overhearing Rob s increasingly sketchy broadcasts, Guy got on the radio himself, pleading with his old friend to leave Doug and get down to the South Summit, if only to retrieve the oxygen bottles so he could start breathing gas and gain the strength to aid his client. Rob radioed back that he could get down to the South Summit himself, but that Doug couldn t. Forty minutes later, he had not moved a step. At this point, just before 6 p. m. on May 10, Guy urged Rob to perform a desperate triage: to leave Doug behind so he could save himself. Yet it was not advice Rob was willing to heed. At a. m. Guy heard a few words of broken transmission over a background of howling wind. Guy suspected that Rob wasn t even trying to broadcast, but that his clip-on mike on the shoulder strap of his pack was getting bumped and keying on in interrupted bursts. What Guy heard was Rob yelling, something like Keep moving. Keep going. Evidently he was trying to push Doug down to the South Summit in the middle of the night, in an all-out storm, by sheer force of will. Through the night of May 10 and the morning of the 11th, we at Camp II were unaware of these struggles until, at five in the morning, we heard Rob s despairing radio call, beginning with the terrible pronouncement, I m all f---ed up. By that morning, Rob had gotten down some 350 vertical feet 107 meters to a spot just short of the South Summit. Somehow he d survived the night, without even a bivouac sack for protection. But Doug was gone. We would never learn what those three words really meant. Did Doug die on the way down, from hypothermia and exhaustion. Had he broken through a cornice and plunged down the Kangshung Face. Or had he frozen to death bivouacking there beside Rob, only to be buried by snow. Now Rob s voice over the radio was badly slurred. I m stuck here, he said. My hands are f---ed. When is somebody coming up to help me. Listening in the tent at Camp II, Veikka was in tears. It was then that David Breashears exhorted me, Ed, you get on the radio. You know Rob best. Talk to him. See if you can get him to move. By now we knew from relayed reports from the South Col that people were missing all over the South Ridge. Scott Fischer had not even made it back to the col. The plan was for whichever of the Sherpas had the strength to try to go up on the morning of May 11 all the way up to the South Summit, if possible to try to bring down Rob, Scott, and the other missing guides and clients. But that was asking a lot of Sherpas who had gone to the top only the day before. And the storm was still raging. This was the hope, however, that I had to hold out to Rob. We knew that he was about 20 feet 6 meters below the South Summit, in a little saddle on the far side. He d actually have to climb up those 20 feet 6 meters to start down. I got on the radio. Rob, I pleaded, crawl if you have to. Get to the South Summit. If you can start moving part of the way down, the Sherpas will meet you somewhere below. You can shorten their day getting to you. When there was no answer, I tried to joke with Rob, anything to rally him to action. When this is over, I radioed, we ll go to Thailand, and I ll get to see your skinny white legs on the beach for the first time. Rob never wore shorts, even in the hottest weather, so in fact I d never seen his bare legs. He actually laughed and said, Thanks for that. I d gotten Rob to laugh. That gave me new hope that we could rescue him. We ll get you off the hill, I radioed. My mantra was don t say anything negative. But Rob, you ve gotta move. At this point, Paula radioed us. Others at Base Camp, especially Guy Cotter and Helen Wilton, had also been trying to rouse Rob. Now my wife said, Ed, everybody s being too nice. You ve got to yell at Rob. Get mad at him. She was right. Even though it belied my true feelings to express anger, now I broadcast, Rob, come on, man. You can t just sit there. We were encouraged to hear from Rob, however, that he d found the two full oxygen bottles on the South Summit. It had taken him four hours to de-ice his mask, but by 9 a. m. he was breathing gas once more. Over the radio all of us were exhorting him to get moving down the ridge. From Base Camp, Helen commanded, Rob, you think about that little baby of yours. In New Zealand, Rob s wife, Jan Arnold, was now seven months pregnant. You re going to see its face in a couple of months, so keep on going. For hours I cajoled Rob myself. Sometimes I d joke, sometimes I d yell, sometimes I d promise that the Sherpas were coming to help him. I told him, Don t talk much. Just get ready, start moving. Broadcasting uses up battery power far more quickly than listening does. All this while, we assumed that Rob had started down. Sherpas Ang Dorje and Lhakpa Chhiri had started up from the South Col in a truly heroic rescue attempt. The skies had cleared somewhat, but a fierce wind still swept the upper mountain. The uncertainty was killing me. After four or five hours, I had to ask. Rob, I pleaded over the radio, how s it going. I haven t moved, he said. All of us listening to the radio were totally shocked and demoralized by this news. We knew now that the only hope for Rob was if the two Sherpas could get to him and help him down. We started to mobilize ourselves. We weren t sure what we could do to help, but David Breashears, Robert Schauer, our teammate Araceli Segarra, Veikka Gustafsson, and I decided to head up the fixed ropes on the Lhotse Face toward Camp III. I made one last broadcast. Rob, I said, I m leaving now. I m heading up the hill. I ll see you tomorrow. We ll talk again as soon as we can. A couple of hours later, I was about 50 feet 15 meters above David, moving up the fixed ropes, when I heard him yell, Ed, stop. I ve got some news, and it s not good. David was carrying our only handheld radio, and he d just gotten word from Base Camp. Ang Dorje and Lhakpa are back at the South Col, David reported. They simply couldn t climb up in these conditions. David took a deep breath, then said to me, I think it s time to say goodbye to Rob. That s when I lost it. I just hung on my ascenders, sobbing. David was weeping, too. Amazingly, despite having been out for some 36 hours, most of it without bottled oxygen and above 28,000 feet 8,534 meters, Rob was still alive and coherent by nightfall on May 11. By then we were settled into Camp III, preparing to do whatever we could to help the following day. At p. m. Guy managed to patch through his wife, Jan, via satellite phone from New Zealand. Rob and Jan s farewell exchange has become part of Everest legend. Before Rob could gather up the nerve to talk to his wife, he begged for a minute so he could eat some snow and moisten his mouth. Then he spoke: Hi, my sweetheart. I hope you re tucked in a nice warm bed. How are you doing. I can t tell you how much I m thinking about you. Jan answered. You sound so much better than I expected. Are you warm, my darling. I m reasonably comfortable. How are your feet. I haven t taken my boots off to check, but I think I may have a bit of frostbite. Jan knew there was no hope she d been on top of Everest herself. And Rob must have known too. But in their parting words, they kept up the poignant fiction of a coming reunion. I m looking forward to making you completely better when you come home, Jan promised. I just know that you re going to be rescued. Don t feel that you re alone. I m sending all my positive energy your way. Rob closed with I love you. Sleep well, my sweetheart. Please don t worry too much. Those were the last words Rob ever spoke or if he said anything more, there was no one there to hear it. We d been so focused on Rob s plight that it scarcely registered with us that we had no idea what was going on with Scott. Part of the problem was that Scott had no functioning radio, so none of us could communicate directly with him. We didn t even know whether he was alive or dead. At some point it dawned on me that Scott was probably suffering the same fate as Rob. Later, several of us were able to reconstruct Scott s movements on May 10 and 11. Scott reached the summit at p. m. also well after his own prescribed turnaround time. The Mountain Madness sirdar or head Sherpa, Lopsang Jangbu, one of the strongest climbers on the mountain, was waiting for him there. According to Lopsang interviewed later by writer Jon Krakauer for his best-selling book Into Thin Air, Scott lingered on the summit for 15 or 20 minutes, during which he complained about his condition. In Lopsang s paraphrase, what he said was I am too tired. I am sick, also, need medicine for stomach. Alarmed, Lopsang urged, Scott, please, we go fast down. As they started the descent, Rob was still on the summit, waiting for Doug Hansen. Scott was so out of it that he couldn t handle the short, normally easy rappels over the rock steps high on the ridge. To circumvent one series of steps, he glissaded, sitting on his rear end, down a snow slope parallel to them, but then he had to perform a 330-foot 101-meter traverse through knee-deep snow to regain the route. At 6 p. m. just above a broad shoulder called the Balcony, at 27,600 feet 8,413 meters, Lopsang, who had stayed behind to aid others in trouble, caught up with Scott. Seeing that Scott had taken off his mask, Lopsang put it back over his face and made sure he was breathing oxygen. But the words Scott uttered were further proof of his deterioration. According to Lopsang, He says, I am very sick, too sick to go down. I am going to jump. He is saying many times, acting like crazy man, so I tie him on rope, quickly, otherwise he is jumping down into Tibet. Short-roping Scott, Lopsang got him some 300 feet 91 meters farther down the ridge before Scott collapsed, unable to walk. In an act of extraordinary loyalty, Lopsang hunkered beside his team leader on a small, snow-covered ledge, preparing to spend the night with him. As Lopsang later reported to Jon, He tell me, Lopsang, you go down, you go down. I tell him, No, I stay together here with you. At 8 p. m. another refugee appeared out of the darkness. It was Makalu Gau Ming-Ho, the leader of the Taiwanese expedition, accompanied by two of his team s Sherpas. Equally played out, Makalu settled onto the same ledge, freeing his Sherpas to head down to the South Col. For another hour Lopsang shared the vigil with Makalu and Scott, even while he got so cold that he doubted his own chances of survival. But Scott once more urged him: You go down, send up Anatoli Boukreev Scott s Russian climbing guide. So I say, OK, I go down, I send quick Sherpa and Anatoli up. The next morning two Sherpas from Scott s team, Tashi Tshering and Ngawang Sya Kya Lopsang s father, headed back up the ridge to try to rescue Scott. Despite the pummeling wind, they forced their way up to the bivouac ledge. There they found Scott barely breathing, his eyes fixed in a vacant stare they tried to administer oxygen, but it seemed to do no good. Scott was just a thousand vertical feet 305 meters above the safety of the South Col, but he might as well have been on the far side of the moon. Makalu was in almost as bad shape, but he was able to drink some tea and breathe from the bottles of oxygen the Sherpas had brought up. In another heroic rescue effort, Tashi and Ngawang put Makalu on a short rope and got him down to the South Col. Having failed to rouse Scott and get him moving downward, the Sherpas had, in effect, given him up for dead. But Anatoli could not bear to accept that verdict. Though near exhaustion himself, he set out at 5 p. m. only a little more than an hour before dark to make one last effort to save Scott. It was not till or 8 p. m. that he reached the bivouac ledge. There, in the beam of his headlamp, he saw that it was too late. As Anatoli later told Jon, His oxygen mask is around face, but bottle is empty. He is not wearing mittens hands completely bare. Down suit is unzipped, pulled off his shoulder, one arm is outside clothing. There is nothing I can do. Scott is dead. Anatoli covered Scott s face with his backpack, then descended to the South Col. What most of us believe today is that Scott was in the grips of cerebral edema fluid buildup in the brain, causing extreme confusion and loss of coordination. The hallucination that he could jump back to camp is a typical manifestation of that ailment. Yet because he was the expedition leader, there was no one else in a position to recognize Scott s condition and send him down. The very edema probably prevented Scott from recognizing what a predicament he was in. He simply thought he was tired, feeling ill, just having a bad day. There was no reason for him to go to the summit, but it would have been unthinkable for him to let the clients go up without him. In a sense, too, Scott had probably come to underestimate Everest. He was known to joke about how easy the South Col route was, referring to it as the Yellow Brick Road to the summit. In the same way, after our successful 94 expedition, Rob had advertised a 100 percent success rate for Adventure Consultants clients on Everest. Yet timing was everything. Without the onset of that sudden and violent storm late on May 10, both Rob and Scott might have gotten away with it even with their late arrival times on the summit. By May 12 five climbers from the two teams were dead: not only both leaders, but Rob s fellow guide Andy Harris, 31, his client Yasuko Namba, 47, and, of course, his client and friend Doug Hansen, 46. By the end of the deadly spring season of 1996, Everest would take the lives of 12 of its aspirants. On May 23 our IMAX team climbed to the top on a perfect day. David got footage all the way to the summit, and the film he made, called simply Everest, became the highest grossing IMAX movie of all time. After having spent eight solid months on the project, both the film and the climb were important to us. But we also wanted to send a message that you can climb Everest and still live to talk about it. I reached the summit at 10 a. m. Without bottled oxygen, I was too cold to linger and wait for the others, so I started the descent alone. On the way down, just short of the South Summit, I stopped to spend some time with Rob. Before that day, May 23, nobody had been by the spot where Rob had died on May 12. Now he was lying on his side. His upper body was drifted over with snow, covering his head. One arm and a leg were visible. His glove was off, and his hand looked like a big blue swollen claw. There were oxygen bottles piled around him, as if he d tried to improvise some kind of wind shelter. Strangely enough, there were three or four ice axes planted in the snow near Rob. I took a photo of them, and later we determined that one of them had belonged to Andy Harris. What happened to him remains as much of a mystery as what happened to Doug Hansen. Neither man s body has been found. Perhaps they both simply stepped off the ridge and fell down the gigantic Kangshung Face. But then why were the axes there. You don t let go of your ax, no matter what. During the ten days since the disaster, word had trickled up the mountain that Rob s wife, Jan, in New Zealand, and Scott s wife, Jean, in Seattle, wanted us to try to retrieve a single keepsake from each of the bodies. Jan wanted Rob s old Rolex watch, which he wore everywhere. And Jean knew that Scott always wore his wedding ring on a leather cord around his neck, tucked inside his shirt. But when I got to Rob s body, I couldn t do it. I couldn t make myself roll him over, dig for the watch, and take it off his wrist. I just didn t want to disturb him. Instead, I simply sat next to Rob, taking in the scene, trying to figure out how things had played out during the storm. This wasn t just a dead body next to me it was someone I had known really well, with whom I had shared many expeditions. Those moments sitting there were like a funeral, with me the sole mourner. I told myself, OK, this is the last time I ll ever see Rob. This was not a place where I could hang out very long I needed to keep moving. So I said goodbye to Rob and headed on down. Over the previous ten days, I d thought a lot about how composed Rob had remained throughout his ordeal. It was hard for me to imagine what it must have been like to sit stranded at the South Summit and face your last hours alive. Rob was smart enough and experienced enough to know that during his second night there, he would fall asleep and not wake up. Yet over the radio, he assured Jan that all would be well. That was not denial it was, instead, I think, an act that sprang from a magnificent strength of character. Two hours later, I sat down again, this time next to Scott s body. He was lying mostly on his back, with one leg flexed, the knee sticking up. His upper torso and head were covered by the backpack, encircled with rope that Anatoli had strung to fix it there. Once again, I couldn t bring myself to disturb the body of a friend, to rummage through his clothing to retrieve the wedding ring on the cord around his neck. If it had been someone I didn t know, perhaps I could have done it. As I sat there it struck me forcibly that while Rob had been in communication till his last hours, talking to Jan and others, who could in turn talk to him, Scott had died the loneliest of deaths. His last hours had been full of nothingness. I glanced around, then looked again at the body of my friend, frozen into the slope. I spoke aloud. Hey, Scott, I said, how you doing. Only the sound of the wind answered me. What happened, man. We would like to show you a description here but the site won t allow us. Top Gun 1986 Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more. A t Fort McNair, an army base located along the Potomac River in the nation s capital, a chance reunion takes place one day between two former POWs. MavsMeet Convocation. Come together. One of UT Arlington s newest traditions, this academic event welcomes new Mavericks and officially kicks off the academic year. CBSSports provides a one-stop shop for all of the latest original CBSSports columns. One of America s prominent high-altitude mountaineers shares his experience climbing Everest during the deadliest season in the mountain s history. Wideband Wireless Power Transmission to Enhance Efficiency for Low Input Power for Biomedical Applications. By Chin-Lung Yang, Yu-Lin Yang and Chun-Chih Lo. MRF24J40 is a complete IEEE 802.15.4 radio and operates in the 2.4GHz freq band. The MRF24J40 supports ZigBee, MiWi and proprietary protocols to provide an. Intro: Arduino Wireless Serial Communication. There are many ways to communicate with remote Arduinos. I have found that many of them hit a slightly higher price. Data-Linc s 900 MHz serial member of the SmartSpectrumTM Radio Modem Family, the SRM6030, offers a license-free serial modem with superior reliability, versatility. May 24, 2014 Data Transmission: Parallel Serial IST - Data Handling Task. Servicios. Serial Data Transmission. Serial data transmission is the most common method of sending data from one DTE to another. During. Intuitively, you would think that parallel data transmission should be faster than serial data transmission in parallel you are transferring many bits at the same. Data-Linc Group s SRM6030 license-free wireless serial modem for the 900 MHz ISM band License-free 900 MHz ISM band Range of 25 miles 40 km SmartSpectrumTM technology for maximum data integrity in noisy, industrial environments RS-232/RS-485 data ports AES-256 bit Encryption Separate RS-232 DB9 port for configuration Operates as Master, Remote, Repeater or Repeater/Remote User adjustable hop patterns and frequency zones for refined operation of close proximity networks Replacement for any legacy SRM serial Factory or field configured for easy, trouble-free installation Optional DIN rail mountings Data-Linc s 900 MHz serial member of the SmartSpectrumTM Radio Modem Family, the SRM6030, offers a license-free serial modem with superior reliability, versatility and performance for wireless data communication. This latest version provides improved hardware, such as a faster processor, while maintaining Data-Linc s commitment to backward compatibility with its corresponding legacy version, the SRM6000. Like its predecessors, the SRM6030 serial radio modem employs FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum technology with proven data communication reliability, in the 900MHz ISM frequency band. Data-Linc s robust modem allows customers to implement a proprietary wireless network in high RFI/EMI environments with the benefit of confidence in unsurpassed data communication integrity, including areas of existing wireless infrastructure. The SRM6030 is software configurable and has a separate DB9 serial port for independent access to configuration software. Data-Linc s proprietary SetLincTM software, that is included with the SRM6030 modems, simplifies modem setup and configuration executed via the dual serial ports RS-232 or RS-485. For remote sites, web configuration is also an option. As with all members of the SRM Family of license-free radio modems, the SRM6030 supports both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint network topologies with a virtually unlimited number of radios. Each modem can be individually configured as Master, Remote, Repeater or Repeater/Remote using the included Config-LincTM software. Additionally, the SRM6030 provides not only superior security through AES-256 encryption but also offers a long distance range of 25 miles 40 km with line-of-sight, farther with Repeaters and/or high gain antennas. The combination of features and benefits supplied by the SRM6030 serial modem continues to support Data-Linc s well-earned reputation for superior reliability, versatility and performance for wireless industrial data communication. The SRM6030 is ideal for industrial automation systems with: PLCs located on moving platforms, overhead cranes and turntables or other revolving equipment SCADA systems, such as water/wastewater, utilities and oil/gas systems Underground or off-shore communications High RFI environments e. g. steel, manufacturing Industrial automation machine control on plant floors Data-Linc Group s SRM6030 utilizes Smart Spectrum technology ideal for critical applications that demand reliable and secure communications. See also Smart Spectrum FAQ. Download a printable pdf 1 MB version of this SRM6030 data sheet. To read pdf files you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC. Serial Data Transmission Serial data transmission is the most common method of sending data from one DTE to another. During transmission, the data must pass through a serial interface to exit a computer as serial data. The following are common interfaces for Defines three types of connections: electrical, functional, and mechanical. The RS-232 interface is ideal for the data-transmission range of 020 kbps/50 ft. 15.2 m. It employs unbalanced signaling and is usually used with DB25 connectors to interconnect DTEs computers, controllers, etc. and DCEs modems, converters, etc. Serial data exits through an RS-232 port via the Transmit Data TD lead and arrives at the destination device s RS-232 port through its Receive Data RD lead. RS-232 is compatible with these standards: ITU V.24, V.28 ISO IS2110. Defines functional/mechanical interfaces for DTEs/DCEs that employ serial binary data interchange and is usually used with synchronous transmissions. It identifies signals TD, RD, etc. that correspond with the pin numbers for a balanced interface on DB37 and DB9 connectors. RS-449 was originally intended to replace RS-232, but RS-232 and RS-449 are completely incompatible in mechanical and electrical specifications. Supersedes RS-449 and complements RS-232. Based on a 25-pin connection, it works in conjunction with either electrical interface RS-422 balanced electrical circuits or RS-423 unbalanced electrical circuits. RS-530 defines the mechanical/electrical interfaces between DTEs and DCEs that transmit serial binary data, sync or async, at rates from 20 kbps to 2 Mbps. Maximum distance depends on the electrical interface. RS-530 takes advantage of higher data rates with the same mechanical connector used for RS-232. Though RS-530 and RS-232 are not compatible, RS-530 is compatible with these standards: ITU V.10, V.11, X.26 MIL-188/114 RS-449. Defines a balanced interface with no accompanying physical connector. Manufacturers who adhere to this standard use many different connectors, including screw terminals, DB9, DB25 with nonstandard pinning, DB25 following RS-530, and DB37 following RS-449. RS-422 is commonly used in point-to-point communications conducted with a dual-state driver. Resembles RS-422. It may be used in multipoint applications where one computer controls many different devices. Up to 64 devices may be interconnected with RS-485. Is the international standard termed Data Transmission at 48 kbps Using 60108 KHz Group-Band Circuits. It is typically used for DTEs or DCEs that interface to a high-speed digital carrier such as AT T Dataphone Digital Service DDS. NOTE: ITU International Telegraphic Union was formerly the CCITT. The ProLinx High Speed Wireless PROFIBUS Solution creates a powerful wireless connection between Master and/or Slave devices on a PROFIBUS DP network. Wireless Serial Radio Modem 900 MHz SRM6030 unlicensed

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